Jak o tym już informowaliśmy, dziś o godz. 15.00 (o 16.00 czasu polskiego)
Wielka Brytania
29 kwietnia Różaniec Święty wzdłuż wybrzeży Wielkiej Brytanii o ocalenie życia i wiary!
https://m.facebook.com/rosaryonthecoast/ Facebook link
https://youtu.be/nSEyyld-Qt0 Youtube video link for those who do not have Facebook to watch the video.
Rosary on the Coast for Faith, Life & Peace in the British Isles
Now that the Facebook Page is Live for Rosary on the Coast and we have the Logo I present to you the Briefing Document for Rosary on the Coast for Faith, Life and Peace in the British Isles to take place on Sunday April 29th 2018 at 3pm.
The Sancta Familia Media in Scotland have done a stunning job re the Facebook and thousands are already responding.
The video with the „Rallying Call to Prayer” is powerful – Listen in!
Thank you so very much Bishop John Keenan of the Diocese of Paisley – people so greatly appreciate this.
https://m.facebook.com/rosaryonthecoast/ Facebook link
https://youtu.be/nSEyyld-Qt0 Youtube video link for those who do not have Facebook to watch the video.
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