Ostatnie 3 dni przed referendum w Irlandii – wezwanie do postu o chlebie i wodzie i modlitwy różańcowej!


Referendum ma się odbyć w Irlandii w dniu 25.05.18

Dotyczy ochrony życia tych, którzy sami go bronić nie mogą.
To trzecia próba zalegalizowania zabijania nienarodzonych – tym razem przez cały Naród!!

Zgodnie z prośbą Ks. Abpa Andrzeja Dzięgi, do naszej modlitwy różańcowej dołączamy od dnia 16.05. nowennę do św. Andrzeja Boboli oraz przyzywamy wstawiennictwa św. Patryka w intencji odrzucenia aborcji w Irlandii. Poedjmijmy także post o chlebie i wodzie.

Katolicy z Irlandii proszą by modlitwa podczas ostatnich trzech dni była wzmocniona postem o chlebie i wodzie!


Na ratunek Irlandii – polski szturm modlitewny do nieba o zachowanie w irlandzkiej konstytucji zapisu o ochronie życia!

W Irlandii ma sie odbyć 25.05.18 referendum poprzez które satanistyczna lewica i liberałowie z tzw. prawicy chcą pozbawić Irlandczyków konstytucyjnej gwarancji ochrony życia poczętego.

Organizatorzy irlandzkiego „Różańca na wybrzeżu” proszą nas o modlitwę na Różańcu Świętym o ocalenie Irlandii przez prawem dopuszczającym aborcję. Potrzebny jest tu post i modlitwa, także post o chlebie i wodzie, w święto Św. Andrzeja Boboli rozpoczniemy dodatkowo wspierającą naszą modlitwe różańcową  nowennę za przyczyną św. Andrzeja Boboli Patrona Polski i św. Patryka Patrona Irlandii.


Irlandia prosi o modlitewny szturm – Msze Święte i Różaniec Święty przed zbliżającym się referendum w obronie życia!


25 maja odbędzie sie referendum, które rozstrzygnie, czy z konstytucji irlandzkiej skreślony zostanie zapis gwarantujący życie każdego poczętego dziecka – a więc ludzie w Irlandii będą głosować nad aborcją. Irlandia – jeśli katolikom nie uda się obronić konstytucji – może stać się pierwszym krajem na świecie, który zalegalizuje aborcję w drodze głosowania powszechnego.

Jest to przede wszystkim duchowa bitwa.

Organizatorzy Różańca na wybrzeżach Irlandii zwracają się o pomoc, aby pokonać to zło!

Proszą o modlitwe różańcową w intencji tego referendum, ofiarowywanie Mszy Świętych oraz pokutę i ofiarowywanie się za Irlandię w nadchodzących tygodniach.

Potrzebny jest tu post i modlitwa, także post o chlebie i wodzie, w święto Św. Andrzeja Boboli rozpoczniemy dodatkowo wspierającą naszą modlitwe różańcową  nowennę za przyczyną św. Andrzeja Boboli Patrona Polski i św. Patryka Patrona Irlandii.


18.03.18 – IRLANDIA – Różaniec święty o ocalenie życia i wiary! Uroczyste przyjęcie Jezusa Chrystusa jako Króla Irlandii!

Dia dhuit,

The Supreme Court’s decision that the unborn baby is not a child in constitutional law and that the only right he or she has in Ireland is the right to life in the 8th Amendment is incorrect at every level. It is an urgent call for heroic sacrifice and prayer both private and public.

Please find the Prayer Sheet for the Rosary at the Mass Rocks for Life and Faith here.

The following is a note about the importance of coming together at the places where our ancestors…. saints and holy souls prayed and sacrificed to pass on the faith to future generations.

In Ireland, North and South we are in a life and death struggle to protect life and preserve faith. Although this struggle has obvious political, social and especially philosophical dimensions, it is first and foremost a spiritual battle. „For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Bearing this in mind, a lot of preparation has gone into the prayer sheet for the day.  We invoke the assistance of St Patrick and all the Irish saints and Holy Souls.  In Sacred Scripture we see the importance of placing our holy ancestors in faith before God, when asking for a great and undeserved Grace from Him.

Exodus 32:1-20  While Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the 10 Commandments, the Israelites turned to idolatry.

Then the Lord spoke to Moses, ‘Go down now, because your people whom you brought out of Egypt have apostatised. They have been quick to leave the way I marked out for them; they have made themselves a calf of molten metal and have worshipped it and offered it sacrifice. “Here is your God, Israel,” they have cried “who brought you up from the land of Egypt!”’ the Lord said to Moses, ‘I can see how headstrong these people are! Leave me, now, my wrath shall blaze out against them and devour them; of you, however, I will make a great nation.’

  But Moses pleaded with the Lord his God. ‘Lord,’ he said ‘why should your wrath blaze out against this people of yours whom you brought out of the land of Egypt with arm outstretched and mighty hand? Why let the Egyptians say, “Ah, it was in treachery that he brought them out, to do them to death in the mountains and wipe them off the face of the earth”? Leave your burning wrath; relent and do not bring this disaster on your people. Remember Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, your servants to whom by your own self you swore and made this promise: I will make your offspring as many as the stars of heaven, and all this land which I promised I will give to your descendants, and it shall be their heritage for ever.’ So the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.” Another example is Daniel 3:25, 34-43  

Another aspect of the prayer programme is the renewal of Ireland’s consecration to the Sacred Heart.  March 18th, Passion Sunday is the 145th anniversary of Ireland’s solemn consecration.

The programme includes an acceptance of Jesus as King of Ireland. For this we use the formula given to Rozalia Celak in an apparition approved by the Polish bishops. Rozalia will be beatified this year. Our Lord promised to spare Poland from the devastation of WWII if the consecration was made. It was not. However on the Feast of Christ the King 2016 the bishops of Poland with the country’s president made the solemn consecration declaring „Jesus King of Poland”.

Please come to one of the many prayer location and pray with us at 2:30pm, Sunday March 18. If you cannot get to a location please join us wherever you are.

In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, through the intercession of Ireland’s saints, holy souls, the angels, Our Lady, St Joseph, Jesus King of Ireland will grant the great miracle of Life and Faith.

For more details or to sign up a location visit www.coastalrosaryireland.ie


W niedzielę, 18 marca 2018, o godz. 14:30 Różaniec święty o ocalenie życia i wiary w Irlandii!

TWO Exciting Developments:

1). On Sunday, March 18, 2018, at 2:30 pm we will gather at our MASS ROCKS to pray the rosary for the preservation of life and faith in Ireland

From the Papal Cross in Phoenix Park Dublin, Pope John Paul II spoke of Ireland’s devotion to the Mass and Holy Eucharist recalling “Mass rocks in the glens and forests” where Mass was celebrated “by hunted priests…..for the Irish, it was always the Mass that mattered. How many have found in it the spiritual strength to live, even through the times of greatest hardship and poverty, through days of persecution and vexations”  On returning to Rome, he said, 'I will never forget that place (Clonmacnoise) .. These ruins are still charged with a great mission. They still constitute a challenge.’

Our Mass Rocks and monastic ruins tell an important story of commitment to life and faith that we must never forget. They remind us that life and faith are treasures worth the greatest sacrifice.

With the Rosary on the Coasts for Life and Faith on the Feast of Christ the King, 2017, we sought the help of Jesus Christ the King and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, His Queen in the battle for the protection of Life and the Faith. With Our Lady’s Miraculous Medal we planted a “hedge of protection” around Ireland. In the next phase, the Rosary at the Mass Rocks for Life and Faith we remember and appeal to the Irish saints, who went to mass at these locations, to help us in the effort for Life and Faith. We will, with our saints, ask Jesus once again to be King of Ireland.

We turn this Lent to the requests of Our Lady of Fatima for repentance, reparation, prayer and sacrifice for the conversion of sinners and the daily rosary.  With these in our hearts, we humbly gather at the Mass Rocks, Mass Houses, monastic ruins and at the Papal Cross in Phoenix Park in honour of  Jesus Christ Our King  crowned with thorns, to His most  Sacred Heart pierced,  to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Ireland, to St Joseph Protector and Patron of the Family and of the Universal Church and to St Patrick, Protector and Patron of Ireland, and the saints of Ireland, especially our own ancestors, who drew strength from the rosary as they risked their lives to attend Mass and receive the  Holy Eucharist at the hands of hunted priests at Mass Rocks and Mass Houses, and to the monks who preserved the faith through centuries of darkness.

„When the Irish will repent they will repent with a vengeance – it will come and 

Ireland will be renewed. To encourage the Sacrament of Confession every step of the way is most, most important!” Fr Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R.

Why Sunday March 18, 2018? This Sunday….

…bridges the feasts of our two great saints: March 17th, St Patrick, the Patron and Protector of Ireland and March 19th,  St Joseph, the Patron and Protector of the Family and of the Universal Church who visited the Irish in Knock in a special manifestation of his care.

…is the Fifth Sunday of Lent (in the extraordinary form known as Passion Sunday) when we through the liturgy begin the ascent to Calvary.

…is the 145th Anniversary of the Consecration of Ireland to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Passion Sunday 1873

…is the feast of Our Lady of Mercy (Savona) where Our Lady called for fasting and conversion of life so that we will be shown „Mercy not Justice”. This devotion was especially highlighted by Pope Benedict XVI.

…is the feast of Bl Christian O’Conarchy, the first Cistercian abbot in Ireland 1100s Bishop of Lismore and a model of Irish monastic devotion.

…precedes a series of referenda which seek to legalise abortion (Article 40.3.3), blasphemy (Article, no fault divorce (Article 41.3) and to remove recognition from the home carer (Article 41.2.1)

We also ask St John Paul II and Rosary Priest Venerable Patrick Peyton to bless the Rosary at the Mass Rocks for Life and Faith and all who take part.

“For where there are two or three gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them.” Mt 18:20.

 How to Prepare….

We ask people who want to help with this prayer effort…

….to find their local Mass Rock, Mass house, ancient monastic site, etc, the holy places where our ancestors gathered for Mass and prayer, sacrificing comfort, safety and even life for love of God.

…..check that the chosen location is accessible and safe for a prayer gathering, also that it is permissible to gather there.

…. register it as a prayer location at www.coastalrosaryireland.ie, or contact us by email at coastalrosarireland@gmail.com,  Facebook     https://www.facebook.com/Rosary-on-the-Coast-for-Life-and-Faith-Ireland-388750808212828/          or by text anytime or phone after 3pm 0872786552

…. if you have any information or links to information about your prayer location share it in the registration form on the website.

…..spread the word locally and beyond

…..encourage clergy to lead the Rosary at the Mass Rock Prayer Programme (some may even want to celebrate Mass at the Mass Rock)

Spiritual Preparation: .Lent 2018

Prayer especially the Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, Fasting,…..and especially CONFESSION for Life and Faith

Activity on Sunday March 18

Prayer Programme for Life and Faith starting at 2:30 pm available on www.coastalrosaryireland.com

Thank you

God bless

Kathy and the Rosary for Life and Faith team

Dia idir sinn is an t-olc



Dear Friends
Following on from the great take up of the 33 day consecration booklet, and the rosary on the coasts, we are delighted to announce the launch of Totus Tuus.
Totus Tuus is a FREE Catholic Magazine featuring articles from priests and laity from around the country.  The idea is simple: through Mary we can come closer to Jesus, and also help Ireland at this critical time.
In order for Totus Tuus to reach and transform hearts, we need your help distributing the magazine.  Ideally we need one person in each county who can help distribute the magazine to prayer groups.   It has been expensive to print, so we don’t want to just put the magazine at the back of churches, but give to people who will read it and also share it. Please contact kathysinnott@gmail.com or text anytime or phone after 3pm 0872786552 if you are willing to help.
We will have a special mass and consecration on Tuesday 23rd January in Glounthane, Cork, at 7.30pm, where people can also chat to the article writers over tea afterwards,  I have attached a sneak preview of the magazine which is currently being printed.  You can pick up as many copies as you need after the mass.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
God bless,
Fr Marius
Some Helpful Resources